I’m New Here

Welcome to Restoration!
We are is a COME AS YOU ARE kind of church – a community of imperfect people doing life together, helping each other become all that God created us to be. Whether you’ve had a relationship with God for years or you’re not even sure God exists, come as you are. Bring your questions, doubts, fears, and hurts – but as we say, NO PERFECT PEOPLE ALLOWED — because pretending just keeps us stuck. We are a diverse community of people who represent different cultures and are united by a faith that brings understanding and healing to our divided world.
When you’re ready, we’d love to connect you with others who live near you, share your interests, or are in a similar life stage, because we value living connected in community to grow spiritually and serve others together. By getting to know people who are also seeking to know God, you can learn to experience life to the fullest, be more of who God created you to be, and learn to love God and others more intentionally. Come join us!
– Pastors David and Lynn Cherry